Ali Qubian
TPL (RE/PE) Senior Specialist at Subsurface Team of R&T Group at Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
Title: Development of a web portal Knowledge base EOR screening/Design expert system
Biography: Ali Qubian
The current work is concerned with the development of a web-portal knowledge-based Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) expert system for screening and designing EOR process. Conducted and ongoing projects including all the spectrum of laboratories, pilot, and full-fields scale implementation need to be shared among oil and gas community for the ultimate goal of sharing of best practices, technology transfer and lessons learnt in such highly demanded area. On the other hand, on local scale oil and gas operators would benefit from such expert system in setting an informed workflow and screening/design tool aims at selecting the most appropriate. The industry is currently lacking of such system and there is no single source of knowledge on EOR technologies and their application. The industry has clearly expressed a need for an expert system to aid operators in selecting optimum EOR applications and procedures. The project creates an “enabler” for oil and gas operators and financial institutions, thus helping to popularize EOR screening as a routine aspect of field development planning even in early stages of a field’s life cycle. The EOR KB will address these technology gaps.
The ultimate aim of this industrial is to develop a computer module (expert system) in the form of web portal knowledge bases EOR system to be used as a screening /design tool for adopting the most suitable EOR. The methodology used here includes published data on completed projects and world-wide experience and expertise. Existing analytical models and correlations on the three methods (Gas-Chemical-Thermal) are used to develop the module. The web portal contents include reservoir properties, reservoir performance, operations & lessons, and costs & economics.
The system allows different scenarios to be run including cost and Net Present Value (NPV) comparison, availability of gas, CO2, Chemicals, and other commodities. It enables companies to screen and prioritize EOR technique potential as applicable to the specific field opportunities.
The developed EOR KB addresses the need for an Expert System to aid EOR decision making and will provide a comprehensive single resource for best practices, lessons learned and case histories across the EOR spectrum. In fact, the development tool adds a new customised tool to the engineers and earth scientist in general working kit including handling new technologies such as LowSal and MEOR.