Franklin (Feng) Tao
Associate Professor
The University of Kansas
Miller Associate Professor, 2014-present, University of Kansas Assistant Professor, 2010-2014, University of Notre Dame Postdoctoral Fellow, 2006-2010, University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab PhD, 2002-2006, Princeton University National Science Foundation Career Award, 2014-2019 Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013 Paul Holloway Award, American Vacuum Society, 2012 Gerhard Ertl (Nobel Laureate 2007) Young Investigator Award (Finalist Prize), 2010 Eugene P. Wigner (Nobel Laureate 1963) Fellowship, ORNL, 2010 IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists (Dissertation), 2008
Research Interest
Synthesis of nanostructured catalytic materials with controllable composition and structure,, measurement of catalytic activity, selectivity, and durability, in-situ/operando characterization of catalytic materials under reaction conditions and during catalysis, fundamental understanding of catalytic reactions at a molecular level.